
How to Get Fast Relief from Stress

Even if you’re doing all right the things-getting exercise, eating well, journaling your feelings, meditating, prioritizing self care, your body will still experience a stress response when presented with a challenge.

You could be feeling totally zen and then out of nowhere your boss comes in screaming about some project that is falling behind or your middle child has chosen this day to test every boundary that has ever existed in your family.

In these moments, you don’t need to be told to eat better or meditate more as you feel your blood pressure elevate by the second. You need help now.

Here are some tips to find fast relief from stress in the moment:

  1. Box breathing: Breathe in for 4 counts, hold for 4, exhale for 4 and hold for 4. Regulating your breathing has been shown to lower levels of cortisol in your blood and may even lower your blood pressure.

  2. Gratitude roundup: A quick counting of your blessings can immediately reduce stress by putting the stress into perspective.

  3. Earthing (grounding): Go outside and walk around with bare feet on grass or soil, or go for a swim in a natural body of water. Studies have shown that realigning your energy with the Earth promotes feelings of relaxation and reduces cortisol levels.

  4. Play your favorite song: Listening to music can lower your heart rate and cortisol levels, increase endorphins, and reduce stress levels.

  5. Aromatherapy: Numerous scents like lavender, lemon, cedar wood, clary sage, and chamomile are said to reduce stress.

  6. Go for a walk: Walking promotes the production of endorphins, which promote relaxation.

  7. Stretch: When you get stressed out, your muscles tense up. Stretching releases that tension and increases serotonin, which relieves stress.

  8. Be Alone: Just five minutes of solitude can help you clear your head and reset.

  9. Journal: Getting your feelings and thoughts out of your head and into your journal (or onto a piece of paper) can make them feel less overwhelming.

  10. Brief Meditation: Find a comfortable place, close your eyes, focus on your breath and let all your thoughts melt away. You will return to your day refocused and more mindful.