
Stress Shed Blog

Learn about stress: the good, the bad, and the modern day ugly.

Beth Rose Beth Rose

How Boundaries Can Improve Your Marriage

After another extremely busy and stressful day, you and your spouse are struggling through the witching hour, making dinner, and managing fights between the kids. You think your spouse should be helping you more and they think you aren’t doing anything to help them….

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Beth Rose Beth Rose

Are You Stuck in the Stress Cycle?

You know that feeling when you can feel the stress in your whole body, you’re clenched, exhausted, and extremely overwhelmed. Susan from accounting decides to point out that you look stressed……

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Beth Rose Beth Rose

Not All Stress is Bad

How can the perpetual stress in everyday life have any sort of positive affect? It doesn’t. That’s stress overload, but when you don’t experience enough stress you’re virtually sedentary and bored out of your mind

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Beth Rose Beth Rose

How CBD Reduces Stress

I’m sure you’ve seen the CBD gummies, oil, tinctures, beverages, candy, pills, etc. in stores, on social media and just about everywhere, but what does CBD have to do with stress? Let’s talk about it.

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Beth Rose Beth Rose

When Did Stress Become A Thing?

Stress is not a new concept. The stress response is a part of human biology. The physiological and hormonal changes from stressors have been protecting people for thousands of years. However….

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Beth Rose Beth Rose

WTF is the Stress Response?

Let’s say you see a bear running toward you. Before you can say, “Shit!” your body has already released the adrenaline into your bloodstream that…..

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